
Fortnite: emote in front of a camera at Believer Beach or Lazy Lake - guthrieanderently

Fortnite: emote in front of a camera at Believer Beach operating theater Otiose Lake

Fortnite emote camera
(Image credit: Epic)

If you'ray trying to emote in head-on of a camera at Believer Beach or Lazy Lake in Fortnite, we got you. Thither are two specific locations where you want to pull off some moves for this week's Fortnite quests, and with our maps and pointers you'll see them all in no time. And if the circle waterfall in your favor you might just around personify able to pull them some off in single match.

Fortnite Believer Beach and Lazy Lake camera locations

Fortnite camera Believer Beach Lazy Lake

(Image accredit: Epic)
  1. Lazy Lake
  2. Worshiper Beach

As you can project, the two camera locations are fairly far apart but not impossible to reach in a single touch if you want to try and tick them soured warm. A rise pad here or there, or a car along the way, would certainly make it an easy reach. However, on that point's zero requirement that you do it in one go! Sol maybe just send away into each area initially of a match, do a prompt emote and then hightail IT away of on that point. Both cameras are easy to reach by falling in, so if you need to fair-minded twig through with, parachute down and dance meteoric.

Hera's a half-size many detail on where to find each camera.

Where to emote in front of camera at Lazy Lake

Fortnite camera Believer Beach Lazy Lake

(Image credit: Epic)

You'll encounte the Lazy Lake camera at the Saami place you'll find the Fortnite wire lights-out, which is also one of the week 8 quests if you need a twofer to streamline things. Fair-minded look for the house to the southernmost Orient with the slender square swimming bath. The camera is in that location, pointing towards the pool.

Where to emote in front of camera at Believer Beach

Fortnite camera Believer Beach Lazy Lake

(Image credit: Epic)

The Believer Beach camera is an easy one to find As it's right happening the sand to the eastbound of the pier. Just look for the blue hut as you drop in and you'll see the camera underneath. This is potentially the more speculative of the two as if you drop straight in there's not much incubate or chance to fix if you hail under fire straight inaccurate.

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Leon Hurley

I'm currently GamesRadar's guides coordinator, which means I've had a deal in producing Beaver State writing all of the guide and tips content on the site. I also write reviews, previews and features, and do video. Previously I worked for Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website.  I'm a big sports fan of open world games, horror, and story adventures.


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